Prostituição acadêmica — bibliografia

Moreno Barros
13 min readOct 11, 2015


Publicação acadêmica como prostituição é o título de um artigo publicado em 2002 pelo economista suíço Bruno Frey, onde ele indica que autores/pesquisadores só conseguem ter seus artigos científicos aceitos se intelectualmente prostituírem-se, servilmente seguindo as exigências feitas por pareceristas anônimos.

Como a academia se assemelha aos traficantes de drogas é o título de outro texto, do economista político Alexandre Afonso, publicado em 2013, que explica como a academia está estruturada em muitos aspectos como uma gangue de drogas, com uma massa crescente de pessoas do lado de fora e um núcleo cada vez menor de pessoas no lado de dentro. Apesar do risco de morte por rivais, prisão ou espancamento dentro de sua própria hierarquia, as quadrilhas não têm nenhuma dificuldade no recrutamento de novos membros. A razão para isso é que a perspectiva de riqueza futura, ao invés da renda atual real e as condições de trabalho, é o principal motor para as pessoas permanecerem no negócio.

Estes dois artigos são trabalhos complexos que trazem títulos chamativos, convergindo para um problema maior: o modelo de governança acadêmica e seus efeitos no trabalho dos pesquisadores. Foi pensando sobre estas e outras coisas que escrevi uma tese, defendida em 2014 no HCTE/UFRJ, na tentativa de traçar um panorama sobre as tensões que afetam os acadêmicos hoje (produtividade, em suma). Fui orientado pelo Mércio Gomes, que abraçou a causa desde o início, e contei com o imenso incentivo de Gregory Chaitin e Ricardo Kubrusly, três gênios.

O vídeo abaixo é de uma apresentação que fiz atendendo convite do grande Luíz Milanesi da ECA/USP para falar sobre as motivações da pesquisa. Talvez eu já tenha desistido da academia e seja um descompromissado, o dilema do prisioneiro encontra com a síndrome do impostor. Meu voto é pela implosão do sistema. Outras pessoas estão trabalhando pela reversão do sistema operando dentro dele. Acho que a conversa em torno do tema é interessante e pode trazer uma solução.

Abaixo uma lista de textos e links que compilei ao longo da construção da tese. Não são os artigos científicos formais, que compõem o grosso das referências da tese propriamente. As duas listas juntas oferecem uma bibliografia razoável para interessados no assunto. Os links abaixo não possuem uma categorização específica, estão apresentados em ordem cronológica, do mais recente para o mais antigo.

Open access: All human knowledge is there — so why can’t everybody access it?

What If Academic and Scholarly Publishers Paid Research Authors?

Should scientific papers be anonymous? — STAT

Comments on the VSNU-Elsevier deal. Publishers are very good at asserting…

Pirate research-paper sites play hide-and-seek with publishers : Nature News & Comment

In which your blogger loses it about the library field | Digital Projects

In Solidarity with Library Genesis and Sci-hub

PLOS ONE: Journal Impact Factor Shapes Scientists’ Reward Signal in the Prospect of Publication

The Glacial Pace of Scientific Publishing: Why It Hurts Everyone and What We Can Do To Fix It

Science in the Open » Blog Archive » PolEcon of OA Publishing: What are the assets of a journal?

What Open-Access Publishing Actually Costs — The Chronicle of Higher Education

What a Mass Exodus at a Linguistics Journal Means for Scholarly Publishing — The Chronicle of Higher Education

Academic Journals: The Most Profitable Obsolete Technology in History | SAS Confidential

Subscription Scare Fuels Worries Over Who Controls Data That Scholars Need — The Chronicle of Higher Education

Attention is not impact” and other challenges for altmetrics

Academics are being hoodwinked into writing books nobody can buy | The Guardian

Science Isn’t Broken | FiveThirtyEight

The Open-Access Movement is Not Really about Open Access | Beall

Is SciELO a Publication Favela? | Scholarly Open Access

As member of the Latin American scholarly community, reading the recent…

Dutch universities start their Elsevier boycott plan | Hacker News

Why do some researchers publish lots of papers which barely get any citations instead of publishing a few papers which has enough weight to get a lot of citations? — Quora

The Web Will Either Kill Science Journals or Save Them | WIRED

What is wrong with Scientific Publishing: an illustrative “true” story | petermr’s blog

Open-Source Peer Reviews: A Paradigm Shift in Academic Publishing | Jeffrey Herlihy-Mera —

Open Process academic publishing | ephemera

The peer review drugs don’t work | Times Higher Education

PhD: is the doctoral thesis obsolete? | Features | Times Higher Education

Will traditional science journals disappear? | The Guardian

Slay peer review ‘sacred cow’, says former BMJ chief |Times Higher Education

Why is Science Behind a Paywall?

Publisher, be damned! From price gouging to the open road. | MetaFilter

Persuasion, Motivation, and Behavior: The Science of When and Why the Rules Don’t (always) Work (slides) | Andrea Kuszewski

Supporting the migration of information providers and content players into the networked services world of the future

Science AMA Series: I am Michael Eisen, Professor of Biology at the University of California, Berkeley. I co-founded the Public Library of Science, publisher of open access journals including PLOS ONE. AMA!

For Sale: “Your Name Here” in a Prestigious Science Journal — Scientific American

Taxpayers spend $140 billion funding science each year — but can’t access many of the results — Vox

A paper by Maggie Simpson and Edna Krabappel was accepted by two scientific journals — Vox

Scientific Peer Review Is Broken. We’re Fighting to Fix It With Anonymity | WIRED

Thomas Docherty on academic freedom | Times Higher Education

Nature makes all articles free to view | Hacker News

Publishing: The peer-review scam : Nature News & Comment

Incentives and Performance — Springer

Can post-publication peer review endure? | Times Higher Education

Editores científicos criticam projeto de internacionalização da Capes — 14/11/2014 — Ciência — Folha de S.Paulo

SciCombinator — Last Month

Rejection Letters of the Philosophers | …because it happens to us all.

Why we need badges in science — BioMed Central blog

One big problem with open access and why the best way to fix it isn’t going to work — Curt Rice

Scientific publishing: Grand openings | The Economist

Want to be taken seriously as scholar in the humanities? Publish a monograph | Higher Education Network | Guardian

Impact of Social Sciences — University rankings wield immense influence over Higher Ed and society at large — with positive and perverse effects.

Best Papers vs. Top Cited Papers

Why Academics’ Writing Stinks — The Chronicle Review — The Chronicle of Higher Education

Academia or industry?

Capes defende contratação de professores por organizações sociais | Agência Brasil

Nature Communications is to become the first Nature-branded open access only journal

To Get More Out of Science, Show the Rejected Research —

The missing piece to changing the university culture : Nature Biotechnology : Nature Publishing Group

How The Digital Revolution Can Fix Scientific Publishing And Speed Up Discoveries | TechCrunch

Competing for tenure is like competing to be a drug lord.

Fidei defensores | General | Times Higher Education

Who governs science? | Stephen Curry | Science |

Stop the deluge of science research | Higher Education Network | Guardian Professional


The meaning of ‘impact’: prestige or relevance for developing world research? — Open Access in the Developing World

How science can beat the flawed metric that rules it

Expanding altmetrics to include policy documents will boost its reputation | Higher Education Network | Guardian Professional

Sobre a bolsa Pq do CNPq — Fórum da Ocupação

Jornal da Ciência

Um espectro tomou conta da academia — Google Groups

SAGE — the natural home for authors, editors and societies

A doença da “normalidade” na universidade

i am — the scottbot irregular

The Winnower | Real Peer to Peer Review

When science gets it wrong: Let the light shine in | The Economist

Beyond Bibliometrics: Harnessing Multidimensional Indicators of Scholarly Impact — Google Books

Peer Review as a Service: It’s not about the journal | Hacker News

The Open Journal by arfon

What Do Professors Do All Day? » Sociological Images

Qualidade de publicações científicas volta ser questionada Jornal da Ciência

Welcome to Research and Politics

Impact of Social Sciences — Recomposing Scholarship: The critical ingredients for a more inclusive scholarly communication system.

Academic publishing — Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Taxpayers do not fund anything | Bill Mitchell — billy blog

New Truths That Only One Can See —

Why Is Academic Writing So Academic? : The New Yorker

RBPG 13 Dez anos do Portal Capes

The responsibility of adjunct intellectuals | Al Jazeera America

Essay on why faculty members work so much | Inside Higher Ed

How professors use their time: faculty time allocation | The Blue Review

Timeline Photos — Marietta Baderna

Twitter / IanMulvany: Venn diagram of how I see the …

Publishing scholarly papers with, and on, Wikipedia | Wikimedia UK Blog

The future of scientific publishing | Green Tea and Velociraptors

Peer review is f***ed up – let’s fix it

Cloak-and-Dagger Publishing

The Seer of Science Publishing

Cad. Saúde Pública — vol.29 número9

Produtividade acadêmica — CH

A Math Puzzle Worthy of Freeman Dyson | Simons Foundation

Billionaires With Big Ideas Are Privatizing American Science —

Why Scientists Need to Learn How to Share - Pacific Standard: The Science of Society

'One of the Greatest Discoveries in the History of Science' Hasn't Been Peer-Reviewed—Does It Matter? - Megan Garber - The Atlantic

EL DEBATE: Sobre Randy Schekman, la ciencia y las revistas científicas

¿Y si la ciencia no es eso que tú crees? | Sociedad | EL PAÍS

How journals like Nature, Cell and Science are damaging science | Randy Schekman | Comment is free | The Guardian

Scientific ethics and publishing conduct — Springer

Cientistas escravizam pós-graduandos e obstruem a ciência, diz Nobel de Medicina de 2002 | Universidade, Ciência e Ambiente

Folha de S.Paulo — Especial — Evasão em mestrado chega a 70%

The Wal-Mart-ization of higher education: How young professors are getting screwed —

Publish or perish — what’s behind door #3? | Alternative Hypothesis

Publish or perish: Academic publishing confronts its digital future | Features | Johns Hopkins Magazine | Hub

Is It Time for “Publish or Perish” to Perish? | Catholic Moral Theology

Pulei fora da Pós porque a relação custo (para… — Luiz Augusto Milanesi

Academic publishing: No peeking… | The Economist

Revistas científicas ou túmulos do saber?

Carta da Profª. Angela Siqueira (UFF) | blog da Revista Espaço Acadêmico

Publicar ou morrer | Simon’s Site

Beall’s Litter

Opening Science

virtual philosopher: It’s Science, Jim, But Not As We Knew It!

How Academia Resembles a Drug Gang | Alexandre Afonso


November 13: New Perspectives on Assessment How Altmetrics Measure Scholarly Impact — National Information Standards Organization

Who Is the Best Scientist of All Time?: Scientific American

Not the Answer — An Academic Carefully Assesses the Arguments for Open Access | The Scholarly Kitchen

Who’s Afraid of Peer Review?

A influência exercida pelo sistema de avaliação da Capes na produção científica dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Física

Publicar é preciso, transformar cientistas em máquinas de produção não é preciso — DataGramaZero

Avaliação da Produção Científica Brasileira: pensando com a história das ciências — HCTE UFRJ

Changing the currency of science to solve our greatest challenges — PeerJ Blog

Twitter / worrydream: An “Industry vs Research” …

San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment

Fator de impacto: o fetiche do cientista | Teoria de Tudo — Folha de S.Paulo

Who’s Afraid of Peer Review?

I confess, I wrote the Arsenic DNA paper to expose flaws in peer-review at subscription based journals

Fame is Fortune in Sino-science — Issue 5: Fame — Nautilus

Folha de S.Paulo — Luiz Felipe Pondé — O filósofo do martelo na academia

Transformando a comunicação científica | Agência FAPESP :: Especiais

GGN | A comparação da produtividade de professores nos EUA e aqui

research lifecycle : Library

Journal retracts two papers after being caught manipulating citations | Retraction Watch

Jornal do Brasil — Sociedade Aberta — Medidas que podem desestruturar as universidades federais

Sintomas de uma ciência doente | PORTALCIENCIA

Coppe obtém vitória na Câmara contra a burocracia na pesquisa Planeta COPPE

How to read and understand a scientific paper: a guide for non-scientists | Violent metaphors

Stick to Your Ribs: A Proposed List — 60 Things Journal Publishers Do | The Scholarly Kitchen

PROIFES — Federação » GT-Docentes avança na discussão sobre Regras Gerais para Promoção da Classe de Professor Titular

Produtivismo acadêmico está acabando com a saúde dos docentes

Produtivismo, ranqueamento e o Navio Negreiro

Brazilian citation scheme outed : Nature News & Comment

Ciência Brasil: Metodologias de avaliação da Capes em debate na comunidade científica. As pessoas estão se dando conta que quantidade de papers não é termômetro de qualidade do uso do dinheiro público!

Tear Down These Walls : Soapbox Science

Half of 2011 papers now free to read : Nature News & Comment

Homo lattes — Prosa: O Globo

American Historical Association: Universities Ought to Embargo Dissertations From the Internet for 6 Years — Rebecca J. Rosen — The Atlantic

Declaração recomenda eliminar o uso do Fator de Impacto na Avaliação de Pesquisa | SciELO em Perspectiva

knowledgeblog — Scientific publishing for the web generation — Google Project Hosting

Time for a scientific journal Reproducibility Index | Retraction Watch

Trust in science would be improved by study pre-registration | Guardian

Academic publishing: Free-for-all | The Economist

Darwin e a prática da ‘Salami Science’— Estadão

Social media data to be included in new World University Rankings indicator — Times Higher Education

Open access science news is mostly good, with a bit of ugly | Ars Technica

The verdict: is blogging or tweeting about research papers worth it? | Impact of Social Sciences

Science in the Open » Blog Archive » What’s the right model for shared scholarly communications infrastructure?

why I’m quitting Mendeley (and why my employer has nothing to do with it)

Confirmed: Elsevier Has Bought Mendeley For $69M-$100M To Expand Its Open, Social Education Data Efforts | TechCrunch

For Scientists, an Exploding World of Pseudo-Academia —

Evolution of Cellular Networks: The case for article submission fees

An interview with Heather Piwowar: on data archiving, open notebook science, and discovering your impact flavor | Dryad news and views

Who Killed the PrePrint, and Could It Make a Return? | Guest Blog, Scientific American Blog Network

Entire library journal editorial board resigns, citing ‘crisis of conscience’ after death of Aaron Swartz | The Verge

Publishing frontiers: The library reboot : Nature News & Comment

Let’s get this straight | Opinion | Times Higher Education

The Future of Publishing _ Specials : Nature

Open access: The true cost of science publishing : Nature News & Comment

Don’t Let the Dream of Open Access Journals Die— The Atlantic

A ciência se desenvolve no passo de cada época — Google Groups

You have to share | Information Culture, Scientific American Blog Network

So I’m editing this journal issue and… — The Ubiquitous Librarian

Percepção e motivação para publicar em revistas tradicionais e de acesso aberto: um estudo nas ciências da comunicação. — E-LIS repository

Brazilian endeavours towards open access: initiatives through the green and gold roads — launching the blue road — E-LIS repository

The impact of computer usage on scholarly communication amongst academic social scientists — E-LIS repository

A globalização do mercado de periódicos científicos eletrônicos e os consórcios de bibliotecas universitárias brasileiras: desafios à democratização do conhecimento científico — E-LIS repository

Publication fees in open access publishing: Sources of funding and factors influencing choice of journal

Brazil’s growing production of scientific articles — how are we doing with review articles and other qualitative indicators? — Springer

Book Review — “Academic and Professional Publishing” | The Scholarly Kitchen

New metrics need fresh data | Think Links

Taking the Impact Factor seriously is similar to taking creationism, homeopathy or divining seriously | Impact of Social Sciences

Fixing the infrastructure for open science

O valor dos artigos que geram novos artigos | Aldobarreto’s Blog

Expanding Public Access to the Results of Federally Funded Research: First Impressions on the US Government’s Policy | The Scholarly Kitchen

Beyond open access: visions for open evaluation of scientific papers by post … — Nikolaus Kriegeskorte — Google Books

Insularidade científica — Pesquisa Fapesp

How PeerJ’s architecture keeps costs down for academics — PeerJ Blog

Some Thoughts on Peer Review and Altmetrics


How PeerJ Is Changing Everything In Academic Publishing | Techdirt

The Future of Scientific Knowledge Discovery in Open Networked Environments: Summary of a Workshop

About Us : Elementa

Researchers opt to limit uses of open-access publications : Nature News & Comment

Research Data and Scholarly Communication (with notes)

UTP Journals :: Browse by Journals :: Journals ::

Giving It Away: Sharing and the Future of Scholarly Communication | Planned Obsolescence

Publications |

Research Remix

The Citation Culture

Hiding your research behind a paywall is immoral | Mike Taylor | Science |

Open Library of Humanities

After Aaron, Reputation Metrics Startups Aim To Disrupt The Scientific Journal Industry | TechCrunch

Ars Search | Ars Technica

What’s wrong with scholarly publishing today? II

What’s wrong with scholarly publishing today?

liv | Dear brilliant students:

Those who publish research behind paywalls are victims not perpetrators | Chris Chambers | Science |

Marcus’ World: “Decoupling the scholarly journal” by Priem and Hemminger

Why Hasn’t Scientific Publishing Been Disrupted Already? « The Scholarly Kitchen

altmetrics: a manifesto —

» Hello Again, 2006: The Economics of Reference Management Software The Quintessence of Ham

Gowers’s Weblog

Mathematicians aim to take publishers out of publishing : Nature News & Comment

Curriculum Vitae — Jason Priem

To Make Open Access Work, We Need to Do More Than Liberate Journal Articles | Wired Opinion |

Locked in the Ivory Tower: Why JSTOR Imprisons Academic Research — Laura McKenna — The Atlantic

CNPq retira apoio financeiro à biblioteca de periódicos científicos | ∞ Infinity Foods

Was Aaron Swartz Stealing? | The Awl

Academic paywalls mean publish and perish — Opinion — Al Jazeera English

The Volokh Conspiracy » The Criminal Charges Against Aaron Swartz (Part 1: The Law)

Lessig Blog, v2 — Aarons death

A crescente irrelevância da ciência brasileira? Artigo de Jacques Wainer | UNICAMP — Universidade Estadual de Campinas

LQES — Pontos de Vista — Artigos Opinião

(8) Scientific Research: To what extent does paid access to research articles slow down research? — Quora

Papers in Open Science and Innovation | Mendeley Group



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